Conny Blom
Promenad genom parken
31’45 minutes, stereo soundpiece

Based on field recordings during a walk through the machine park at the Stora Enso paper mill in Hyltebruk, Sweden, this piece is basically a very slowly developing drone. A requiem for all the trees that are daily sacrificed to provide us with fleeting news and advertisement. The Hylte Mill is a major producer of standard newsprint with a capacity for 840 000 tons of paper per year. The walk through the machine park with all its giant rolls of paper is metaphorically also a walk through a forest or if one so wishes, a park.

An edition of 50 signed copies was made for an exhibition at M Art in(n) in Helsingborg, Sweden, 2002. The exhibition also featured works by Swetlana Heger, Oliver Ressler and more. Curator: Martin Schibli. Out of print.

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Conny Blom