Put Your Ear Against the Wall
Sound and text installation using only existing sounds and X's and short texts in pencil indicating places where to listen.
Andra Ljud City Hall Museum, Göteborg, 2004, under guidance by Christina Kubisch.
Pencil x's marking spots througout the museum where the sounds in the actual museum wall are specifically noteworthy, acompanied by short, suggestive texts.
Exemple text (rough translation):
( put your ear against the wall at the “ x”)
The city is never quiet.
Just as you can see the lights from a city afar
at night time, you can hear it’s sound.
A hiss from an enormous choir of cars, factories and
power plants. A song without beginning or end.
Can you hear how the sounds from the city reproduce into the walls of the house like faint vibrations?
Can you hear how these vibrations
slowly, slowly makes the tiles c rumble?