The Green Drawings- I pledge (Kraków) Exhibition _econtinuum at Małopolska Garden of Art, Kraków, part of Patchlab Digital Art Festival 2022. The Green Drawings- I pledge is a project that uses the logic of free market capitalism to reduce total carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions into the atmosphere. The current environmental protection policy counts on free market activities in the field of emission management. The annual amount of CO2 that can be emitted by a country is limited, and big polluters have to buy their emission allowances. Due to the finite number of such rights, if demand grows, so does their price. This in turn encourages corporations to cut emissions – if it is profitable, the market alone will save the world. For that to happen, however, the total number of emission allowances would have to be significantly reduced compared to the current situation. This is the fifth in the series of Green Drawings presentations. In the first version, green drawings were available for €20 per piece. The profit from the sale was allocated to the purchase of emission allowances, which were then blocked on the market. In this edition, visitors can buy green drawings, exchanging them for commitments on environmentally friendly actions or introducing climate-friendly behaviour into everyday life. The installation evolves during the exhibition – signed forms with declarations are hung instead of drawings on the wall, gradually changing the appearance of the installation. Use the form to tell the artists about your plans to combat climate change and replace the drawing on the wall with your form. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .
Conny Blom |